Photo: Joan Deely

Our Services

Every site impacted by invasive plants is unique. Our 20 years of experience with a wide range of ecosystems and the people who care for them lets us tailor our presentations to your particular needs.

We offer education and management recommendations for landowners, site managers, planners, watershed associations, and advisory groups stewarding sites throughout New England, whether they’re dealing with Japanese knotweed, purple loosestrife, phragmites, bittersweet or one of the many other invasives in our landscapes.

We provide comprehensive information about the history, biology and threat of invasive plant species. We explore the implications that invasive species have for biodiversity and address the impacts of climate change on both the spread and the management of invasive plants.

Our presentations identify invasive species of concern at a particular site and explore management options that meet the needs of the managers. We describe manual, mechanical, biological and chemical techniques, some of which are suitable for volunteer participation.

Invasive plant identification presentations  provide information about species of concern. We describe characteristic features and habitats of an invasive species, along with techniques to distinguish among look-alikes. Ask us about on-site or field ID options.

Invasive plant management planning can seem overwhelming. Our recommendations facilitate selecting priority sites, mapping project areas, maximizing the impact of available funding, site restoration and maintenance to achieve the best possible outcome of a project.

We provide guidance in planning an invasive plant management project. Selecting priority sites, mapping project areas, maximizing the impact of available funding, and planning site restoration and maintenance lay the foundation for a successful project.

PowerPoint presentations can be delivered either in-person, on-site, or remotely, with plenty of time for questions and answers. All our presentations at your site for your target audience are developed with your input.

Past presentation topics have included:

  • Invasive plant identification
  • Invasive plant management methods
  • Management prioritization and planning
  • Mapping, monitoring and site restoration
  • Management calendar preparation
  • On-site invasive plant identification walks
  • Educational talk for stakeholders